JCI MSEA: Discover Events2HVAC Client Device

Note: Events2HVAC can connect to JCI MSEA two different ways:  Using the JCI MSEA specific driver or using the BACnet driver.  You must be using the BACnet driver in Events2HVAC to take advantage of the device points below.  If you are using the JCI MSEA driver, you can take advantage to the Heartbeat feature to achieve the same effect.
Events2HVAC exposes a BACnet device and a status point that can be used to allow other BACnet devices to monitor the status of the Events2HVAC scheduling process and take action like switch-over of schedules to default schedules if communication is lost.
Below is the basic procedure for discovering the E2H BACnet device and the E2H-S point.  The examples shown are using an NCE controller at v5 MSEA.  Later versions are done in a similar fashion.

Discover Events2HVAC Device

Make sure the Events2HVAC server is online and BACnet communication has been established already between the server and the JCI device before attempting to discover points.

Click on menu Insert - Field Device to start the wizard.

Select the BACnet parent node from the tree.

Click on the Invoke Auto Discovery.  This will execute a BACnet WhoIs command to find out if any 3rd party BACnet devices are discovered.

A list of all the discovered devices will be shown.  Select the BACnet device for the Events2HVAC service.  Typically the default instance id from Events2HVAC is 799.  (Note:  you would only see one Events2HVAC on your network typically)

If the device doesn't show up, make sure the Events2HVAC service is either on the same subnet as your BACnet network or make sure it is connected as a foreign device to a BBMD device.

Rename the device so it is easily identifiable.

Click next.

Discover Events2HVAC Device Points

Click new to discover the points in the device discovered previously.

Invoke Auto Discovery

You should see the available points on the device.  Click Close.

Highlight the E2H-S point and double-click to map it.  The point will show up on the right hand side.

Click Finish.

You should see the device and the E2H-S point in the network tree now.  This point can be monitored for automatic control of default schedules.

The E2H-S status point can now be shared with your zone logic to control default schedules.
E2H-S Value (Status) Description Action*
On Events2HVAC schedule is running Allow E2H Schedules
Off Events2HVAC is shutting down or some other issue is preventing normal scheduling Use Default Schedules
(Down or Fault) Communication has been disrupted between Events2HVAC server and the JCI Device Use Default Schedules
*Make sure off and on delays are implemented for switch-over.
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