M5 Graphics VBA Script GwxStreamside_XXX not found

Johnson Control M5 Graphics that were generated by Streamside Solutions or one of it's partners often used a set of ActiveX controls and VBA scripts to enable some of the advanced functionality for M5 graphics.  This includes applications such as Equipment Locator, Streamside Notes, and NetTree.

As customers re-install or upgrade M5 workstations, often the original installation CD for the graphics and supporting software are lost or misplaced.

This toolset can be downloaded below.  This product is considered obsolete and is no longer supported by Streamside Solutions.

Streamside Tools v2 (Windows 2000, XP only)

(for streamside DLL's used in M5 VBA scripts)



Streamside NetTree (Windows 2000, XP only)


Please contact your original graphics supplier or create a ticket for additional support.

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