Application Note - Johnson Controls MSEA Systems

The following application note describes the typical procedure for installing and setting up E2H using the JCI MSEA device interface.  MSEA devices are also BACnet/IP devices so the BACnet/IP device interface could also be used.


Install Prerequisite Software

In order for Events2HVAC to be able to send out commands via Johnson Control web services, the MSSDA (Metasys System Secure Data Access) component must be installed first on the E2H server.  This component was written by Johnson Controls.

This component can be downloaded from the Events2HVAC website:

Events2HVAC Product Dowload - Look for "MSEA MSSDA Component (Zip)" in the prerequisites section.

Run the downloaded executable file to install the necessary DLL's.

Note:  E2H only works for the v4 MSEA DLL's.  Loading a different version may cause unexpected results.



IT Considerations

MSEA web services communicate via HTTP (port 80) using SOAP/XML web services.  The MSSDA DLL's provide an ActiveX COM wrapper for security and authentication when using the web service calls.

The E2H server must be able to communicate via HTTP port 80 to the ADS or ADX site director computer.  If there is no ADS or ADX server installed, then the site host will be one of the NAE, NIE, or NCE supervisory controllers.  Contact your local JCI representative to determine which one is the site director.

MSEA Username/Password

You must create a Metasys user and password with access to all of the points that you want to access with E2H.  Each supervisory controller must be synchronized with the security database after the user has been added.  Make sure this user has a password that does not expire and has access to all the points that need to be controlled.

Starting at MSEA v6, synchronization of security databases are automatic.

See Also

Overriding Existing Schedules

Your facility most likely has some HVAC schedules already in place for your day-to-day operation of your HVAC equipment.  You will eventually either need to deactivate those schedules or take steps to override these schedules so that Events2HVAC can send commands to equipment automatically.

Ideally, you want to leave these existing schedules in place in case the server is shutdown and automatic scheduling is disabled.  It’s always good to have a backup plan.

Most schedule objects in HVAC systems work the same way.  The schedule object can be setup to work on a fixed daily schedule, manual event schedules, or holiday schedules.  The schedule object commands one or more individual points that turn the equipment on or off.  The command sent to these items are sent at a specify priority level.

You will need to determine the individual points to command and the priority that the schedule object is sending the commands.

In Events2HVAC, when you define the actions for equipment, you will need to send the commands to those same points using a priority that is higher than your existing schedule object.

Overriding at a higher priority

The example below shows how this may work:


Figure 1- Overriding Priorities

This example show a BACnet schedule object that has a weekly schedule assigned to turn on AHU-1,2,3 from 8am to 8pm.  This object sends start commands at a priority of 15.  In Events2HVAC, we created 3 equipment items AHU-1, 2, and 3.  For each item, we created an action that sends a command on each events start/stop time.  This action will send the command at priority 14 (higher) so that it will override any command that is sent from the schedule object.

In this scenario, individual rooms can be assigned to each AHU in events2HVAC, allowing individual room schedules to turn on/off each AHU.

An example of how to build an interlock in MSEA that automatically releases priority 14 commands to revert all points to MSEA schedules can be found below:

Adding Logic for Events2HVAC commands

Another option is to add logic to the controllers and additional Binary points to regulate the commands coming from Events2HVAC.  In this scenario, additional Binary points would need to be created in the JCI controllers for each item that E2H was commanding.  In addition, a global Binary object would be created to indicate how you wanted to control your rooms.  

So, if the global switch point indicated that you wanted default schedules, all of the JCI default schedules would be sent to the room points.  If the global switch point indicated you wanted Events2HVAC control of rooms, default schedules would be blocked and the Binary room points that you added for each control point would be commanding the direct room points.

This kind of control would take more time to add all of the binary points and the LCT logic, but would allow the E2H binary points to be tracked using point history and provide a more orderly switch over when it was needed.

You can also fully automate the switchover using the heartbeat feature of Events2HVAC.  

Default Metasys MSEA Priority Levels:


Priority Level

Manual Life Safety (BACnet standard)


Auto Life Safety (BACnet standard)






Critical Equipment (BACnet standard)


Minimum On Off (BACnet standard)


Heavy Equipment Delay


Manual Operator Override (BACnet standard)






Demand Limiting




Load Rolling






Default (Adjust Command, State 1, etc.)


Export the points that you want to control

Since E2H currently does not have a point browser for MSEA systems, you will need to copy/paste the item reference names for the points that you want to control using E2H.

The easiest way to do this is to create a query for the points in MSEA that you want to control and export that query to a CSV file.

Add the actions to control the MSEA points

For each zone of control that you want to schedule, create an equipment item and map the appropriate rooms to that item.  Next, create the equipment action to send the appropriate control value to the MSEA point for that zone.

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