Events2HVAC Installation on Windows 8 with SQL Express 2012

This article explains how to load SQL 2012 and set up the prerequisites for an Events2HVAC installation using Windows 8. Some procedures have changed from previous operating systems and SQL server installations. Here are the major changes that have caused changes in the procedures:

  • In SQL Express 2012, the permission setting for the local system account (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) doesn't have "sysadmin" rights by default. This causes access problems in the local Events2HVAC database. When the Events2HVAC windows service is started up, this problem will cause it to fail unless you change the permission setting as described in this document.
  • In Windows 8, the paths to access the various windows that need to be used to prepare for Events2HVAC installation are different from Windows 7 and Windows XP. This document describes how to access the necessary windows as well as the settings that need to be adjusted.

Part 1: Install and Configure SQL Express 2012

1. Download SQL Express 2012 with the management tools:

2. Double-click on the downloaded file to open the SQL Server Installation Center. Choose the first option, new SQL Server stand-alone installation.



3. In the SQL Server 2012 Setup window, click on Feature Selection in the left column. Then select the features indicated below to install.



4. Next, click on Instance Configuration in the left column, choose Named Instance, and use the instance name SQLExpress.



5. Click on Server Configuration in the left column, and change the startup type on SQL Server Browser to Automatic instead of Disabled. This allows other SQL clients to discover this server.



6. Click on Database Engine Configuration in the left column. Select Mixed Mode authentication, and supply a password for the SQL administrator account.  You can also add additional Windows user accounts or groups as administrators. Note that local computer administrators are not added by default.



7. Click on Complete and finish the installation.

Part 2: Set Permissions for NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account

Out of the box installation of SQL Express 2012 only gives the local system account (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) the "public" role. Prior versions of the software gave the local system account the "sqladmin" role. Since the Events2HVAC windows service runs under the local system account by default, you must give the local system account the correct permission to read/write to the Events2HVAC database.

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and double click on "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" login in the security folder.



2. Option 1:  Grant server-wide "sysadmin" role by selecting the check box next to sysadmin and clicking on OK.



3. Option 2:  If you don't want to grant server-wide access, you can give "db_owner" rights to the Events2HVAC database only. This option can only be done after the Events2HVAC database has been installed. If you have installed the Events2HVAC and you want to use this option, select the User Mapping page on the left and check the box next to Events2HVAC. Then check the box next to db_owner and click OK.


Part 3: Turn on Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)

1. In the Windows 8 desktop view, right-click in the bottom left corner to show the popup menu. Click on Programs and Features.



2. Click on Turn Windows features on or off.



3. Select MSMQ Server Core and click OK.



You are now ready to perform the standard Events2HVAC installation.

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