JCI MSEA: How to Synchronize MSEA Security Databases

The following procedure should be done by a qualified JCI technician!  Improper use can lead to loss of users and/or role data.

This article provides a summary of steps to perform in Metasys System Configuration Tool (SCT) to synchronize your ADX/ADS security database with the NAEs on your network. Normally the Site Director holds all of the new users and roles for the network. If the security database gets out of sync with the NAEs, third-party interfaces that use Metasys web services (MSSDA) may get "Access Denied" errors when reading a point, even though they can login to the Site Director.

Note: If an SCT is not installed on an ADS, you cannot use this procedure, which uses the Security Backup/Restore Wizard to back up or restore the SCT security database.

Part 1: Backup Security Database

1. From Metasys System Configuration Tool (SCT), go to Tools menu and select Security Backup/Restore...



2. On the Select Option screen, select Backup Security and click Next.



 3. On the Select Devices screen, select the site director to backup and click Next.



4. Finish the remaining steps in the wizard to finish the backup.

Part 2: Restore Security Database

1. From Metasys System Configuration Tool (SCT), go to Tools menu and select Security Backup/Restore...



2. On the Select Option screen, select Restore Security and click Next.



3. On the Select Source screen, select the source of the restore. This should be the device that you backed up previously.



4. On the Select Devices screen, select all of the NAE devices that you want to restore the security database to.



5. Finish the rest of the wizard steps to schedule the restore.

6. Once the restore has finished, you can test to see if Events2HVAC can read individual point information using the MSEA login information.

See Also

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