R25: How To Create a Space Feature Query for Events2HVAC

If you are only scheduling part of your campus or building using Events2HVAC with CollegeNet R25 room scheduling, you can reduce the load on your computer systems by creating a space feature query to pull data from R25 only for the rooms that Events2HVAC controls. For example, if you have 2,000 rooms, but you are only scheduling 40 of them with Events2HVAC, you can filter those rooms in R25 so that only schedules for the 40 rooms needed are passed to Events2HVAC.

The following example demonstrates how to create a space feature query in CollegeNet R25. First you will create a space feature and assign it to the rooms that Events2HVAC will control. Then you will create a search query based on the new space feature. Events2HVAC will use this search query to limit the reservations to only those rooms when requesting information from R25 Web services.

1. Create a New Space Feature

In CollegeNet R25, access the Administration menu (top) and select Master Definitions...


In the Master Definitions window, select Space Features.


Create a new space feature called "E2H HVAC Integration." Click OK.

2. Assign the Space Feature to the Spaces

In CollegeNet R25, access the Directories menu (top) and select the Space Directory item.


In the Space Directory window, click on the Full List tab to show the full list of rooms.


Click on each room that will be controlled by Events2HVAC, and assign the space feature "E2H HVAC Integration." Click OK.


Ignore the quantity; this value does not apply. This screen confirms that the new space feature has been assigned. Click OK.


After you have assigned the space feature to all necessary rooms, click on the Features tab in the Space Directory. Then click on the feature "E2H HVAC Integration" to verify that the feature is assigned to all necessary rooms (check room list at right).

3. Create the Space Feature Search

In the Space Directory, select the Search tab and highlight the Temporary Search item in the treeview pane to the left, click Add, and select Features.


Select the "E2H HVAC Integration" feature.


Give the search a name such as 'Spaces with E2H Integration', and share it with other R25 users (make it public). Click OK.


In the Space Directory, verify the query by testing the search to see if it returns the appropriate rooms. Click on the search name under My Searches (left), and then click on the Search button. The assigned rooms will appear in a list on the bottom right.


This concludes the setup of the space feature in CollegeNet R25.

4.  Enable the search query in Events2HVAC

In Events2HVAC select Events > R25 Options. In the pop-up window, navigate to the Spaces tab. Check the "Limit returned spaces using a space query" checkbox.  Click Reload Queries to retrieve all space queries from R25.  Select the query that you created above.


Verify that the space query is working.  Open the Room List tab by selecting in the main menu Events > Room List  Hit the Rebuild button to clear the room cache and rebuild the list from R25.



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