Client: Remote client fails to connect to server

When testing for connectivity from a remote client to the server using .NET remoting, you might get the following message after testing the connection:

Client Error Message (Remoting Configuration FAILED)

"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connected failed because connected host has failed to respond"


Verify if the firewall is blocking the connection

Turn off the firewall to verify if it is blocking remote connections to the remote client.  

Open the firewall dialog, right-click to show properties.

Turn off the firewall and hit Apply.  Test your SQL connection again to see if it works.  If not, you'll need to investigate further.

If the connection was successful and you want the firewall enabled (recommended), you'll need to add a firewall rule on inbound connections.

Allow Remote Events2HVAC Connection Rule in Windows Firewall (Server 2008)

Type: Inbound Rule
Name: Events2HVAC Remote Client (TCP Port 5049)
Protocol: TCP
Port: 5049

Open the windows firewall dialog again, and add a new inbound rule.  Select port as the type.

Select TCP as the protocol and port  5049.   Actual port number could be different than the default 5049.  Verify port number in the server settings.

Select Allow The Connection

Select the appropriate profile for your organization.

Allow the connection.

Give a descriptive name like below:


Retest your remote connection.  You should see this message if the service is running on the server.

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