In order for Events2HVAC to retrieve all the event data needed for the locations, a service user account must be created in the 25Live system. This user account should not expire and should be included in a security group that only has view access to events, event details, and locations.
Create a Native User Account
The web services in 25Live only uses a native account (not SAML, AD, etc) to access the api. This can be done with these steps:
- Create a user from the Admin Utility > Contacts > Manage Contacts > Add.
- Create a 25Live user and set their password in the Admin Tool under Contacts. The username and password you enter here would be your credentials for the Webservices API.
- Place that user in a security group with correct permissions to see locations, resources etc. (see below)
Security Group Permissions
Create a security group that houses the Events2HVAC account. If you have an existing security group that has view only access you should copy from that.
If the security group is not set up right, Events2HVAC won't be able to retrieve all the events or event data might be limited to only public visible settings.
You'll want to set the Functional Security access to the security group so that you can view Locations and Events but not create Events.
Events Function Security:
Locations Function Security:
Then for Object Security (OLS), every location that you want Events2HVAC to monitor must have at least view access. This is set up in Admin Utility-> Manage Locations:
Assign/Request and Assignment Policy is not necessary for Events2HVAC.
Finally, and this is the tricky part, every event object has to have view access for Events2HVAC’s security group. First, they should set up the cabinets and folders so any events types routed to them will inherit view access for Events2HVAC
Finally, best practice would be to copy from a security group that already has view access to everything to create the Events2HVAC security group. If you start from scratch, any events that were created prior to the security group being created and these Event Security OLS being set will not be visible to Events2HVAC. In that case, they would have to do like I’ve been doing and build event search that look at events with occurrence from today until ???? and set the object security on those events individual (or you can do a few hundred at a time with a search):