Setting Up Email Notifications with GMail or Google Workspace Accounts

Here's the steps to use a personal Gmail account or Google Workspace account to send SMTP notifications from Events2HVAC.

Also, you may need to make sure you have a "strong" password for Google to allow smtp connections from other apps.  Also you might need 2 step verification enabled for some of these steps to work.

Workspace or GMail Account

Note:  You must have 2-Step Verification enabled to allow app passwords.

1. Go to your login account settings, select Security, select 2-Step Verification.

2. Click on the App Passwords section to see and add new app passwords.

3. Create a new app password and give it a name.

4.  Copy this password to use along with your login email address as the SMTP user login in Events2HVAC options.

From Address:  (your google/domain email) - If you want to show it coming from Events2HVAC, format the email address:  "Events2HVAC Server<>"

SMTP Username:  (your google/domain email)

SMTP Password:  (your app password)

SMTP Server:
SMTP Port: 587 (use TLS Encryption)

** Deprecated - Use app passwords instead ** - Google Work Account:

1.  In Goggle Account settings, sign-in & security - Turn on "allow less secure apps"


2. Use your user login settings to connect.

SMTP Server:
SMTP Port: 587 (use TLS Encryption)



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