One of the primary benefits of using Events2HVAC is to reduce equipment occupancy runtime. In order to capture how much occupancy runtime is saved, you will need to create a baseline schedule for all the equipment items that previously had a daily or weekly schedule defined in their HVAC system.
Since v1.7 Events2HVAC has been collecting daily and monthly analytic data. Starting with v1.8, if you enter baseline schedules, you can see how many occupancy hours (per month and year) are avoided. Runtime avoidance is a good indicator of energy reduction and cost savings.
Baseline weekly schedules can be defined for each equipment item, each building group, each campus group level, or as a global default. At each level, you can also choose to "inherit" the schedule from a higher level group.
By default, each group and equipment item are set to "inherit." So if you have a default baseline schedule defined, all your equipment will initially use that baseline.
Below are the steps to create baseline schedules, apply them to groups and equipment, and update daily and monthly baseline analytics, and view runtime avoidance results.
Step 1 - Define your global default baseline schedule
Your default schedule should be the fail-safe schedule to be applied to most of your equipment. If you only have a few spaces that have schedules and the rest are ad-hoc scheduled, then you might want your default to be setup as "no baselines."
To select the default baseline schedule, open the Analytics Options form (Analytics - Analytics Options) and go to the Baselines tab. Select the appropriate schedule from the drop-down list or create a new one using the "Create New" button, as described in Step 2.
Step 2 - Define your baseline schedules
Look at all your weekly HVAC schedules and determine how many are scheduled the same way and recreate those schedules. You can either select the days of the week that are scheduled and the start/end times, or you can enter average weekly scheduled hours. Note that your choice may affect how accurate your runtime avoidance results are at the daily level.
To define baseline schedules, open the Baseline Schedule Editor (Analytics - Baseline Schedules).
Here you can add/edit/delete your schedules. You must create all baseline schedules here so that they will be available to select later when you assign them to specific buildings or equipment. Choose a name for each schedule that will help you remember the campus, building, or equipment associated with it.
You can assign one schedule to be the "default" global schedule for any systems that are inheriting schedules from higher level groups if they don't have any defined schedules.
Step 3 - Get your rooms and buildings organized correctly
If you want to apply a baseline schedule to an entire building or campus you will need to organize your room lists and create the appropriate Campus/Building/Room hierarchy. You can organize your room groups (for buildings and campuses) using the Room List (Events - Room List).
Your room list will show all the rooms found in your event provider's system and it will auto-create building groups. Most of the time these building groups aren't correct or assigned to the wrong building. You can create a top-level campus group and additional building groups if needed. Move rooms to the appropriate groups by dragging and dropping them. See also: Campus and Building Groups
Once your room/building list is in order, make sure all your equipment zones are assigned to the correct building group. You can use the Equipment Grid Editor (Equipment - Equipment Grid Editor) to quickly make building changes. Click on the "Auto-Assign Bldgs" button to automatically assign the correct group based on the rooms assigned in the equipment zone.
After buildings are assigned, move on to Step 4 to assign schedules to buildings and individual equipment.
Step 4 - Assign schedules to groups and equipment
If a particular schedule applies to all or most of the equipment in a building, assign it to the building group and let the equipment items inherit the building schedule. For systems that have unique schedules, assign schedules directly to the equipment.
To assign schedules to buildings, open the room list (Events - Room List) and right-click on the building to edit. Select Edit Group.
Assign the correct baseline schedule from the drop-down list.
For equipment assignments, open the Equipment Grid Editor (Equipment - Equipment Grid Editor) and select the equipment baseline schedules in the same way.
Step 5 - Recalculate Baseline Data
Once you have everything assigned to the correct baseline schedules, you can re-calculate all the baseline schedule data in the daily and monthly analytics data tables. If you don't do this, previously collected data will have old baseline calculations in them (most likely 0 hrs).
To re-calculate the baseline hours, open the Analytics Options form (Analytics - Analytics Options) and go to the Baselines tab. Click on Recalc Baselines.
This will process the new daily/monthly baseline occupancy hours for all the entries in the database. It may take a few minutes if you have a large number of equipment items and sample days.
You may need to run the re-calculation from time to time if you make adjustments to baseline schedules or equipment assignments.
Step 6 - View your results
Once you have enough daily/monthly data collected, you can view the results in the Monthly Pivot Table (Analytics - Monthly Pivot Table).
This component allows you to view the monthly data in a pivot table format. Optionally, you can show a chart as well.
You can group the data in different ways (e.g. by building, by year/month, by equipment). You can also filter out date ranges, equipment items, equipment types, etc. The default layout is grouped by year/month and the columns show the cumulative hours for occupancy, baseline occupancy, avoided hours and avg. % avoided hrs.
More components will be added in future releases to show individual equipment results and receive periodic reports.
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