Upgrading an Existing Installation of Events2HVAC

For software upgrade of an existing running Events2HVAC site, the following steps need to be performed on the Events2HVAC server.  Do not upgrade the remote clients first.

Upgrading software should be performed by your IT staff or someone qualified to perform the following steps.  Failure to follow the following procedures could result in loss of data or loss of automated scheduling.  If you would like Streamside Solutions to assist in the upgrade, please contact support or create a support ticket.

1.  Download the latest software.

Login to your account in the Customer Center and go to My Licenses.  Click the Latest Version button to download the latest version of the software.  Review the Release Notes for the update prior to installing.

2.  Find a time where there is a suitable gap in scheduled commands that are queued up.  

During an upgrade, the command queue service will be stopped and any scheduled commands will not be sent out.  Start your upgrade when you have ample time between commands.  Typically minor upgrades can take up to 15 minutes.  Allow more time for major upgrades.  It is best to allow more time just in case something unexpected occurs during the upgrade.

In the example below, a good time would be between 7:00pm - 8:30pm.  That gives you an hour and a half to take care of business.

Note: starting at v1.3.2, this step isn't as critical if you are using the re-sync feature.  This feature will return all rooms to their correct state after the first poll.  However, it is still a best-practice to do updates when there aren't any schedules happening.

3.  Make a backup of your Events2HVAC SQL database.

This is a very critical step, especially in upgrades that update the database schema or migrate data.  Failure to have a backup could lead to facility downtime and/or loss of data.

Contact your IT department if they are responsible for that process.  Here's how to do it:

4.  Export your equipment items to a file.

This is an extra step that allows you to recover equipment lists without doing a full database restore.

Open the client, go to the File menu --> Export Equipment.  Give the file a name and hit save.

5.  Install the software.

Run the installation executable on your E2H server platform.  Follow the steps similar to a first-time installation in the user guide.  If you add any new devices, make sure you select those during the upgrade.

6.  Run the setup wizard after the install.  

This occurs automatically.  Make sure all steps pass.  

Note:  If you have purchased new device interfaces and have a new license, you can load in the new license during the license verification step.

7.  Verify Operation

Open the client and verify that your active command queue is filled with current active commands.  Also, do a quick check to see if you are getting events from your event provider by opening up the event calendar.

8.  Upgrade any client computers (if applicable).

You'll need to perform steps 4-6 on each client that you installed the Events2HVAC client-only setup on.  Make sure when you run the setup, that you select the client-only installation when asked.

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