This article describes how to move an instance of Events2HVAC to a new physical server or to a different hard drive location from where it was originally installed. These steps will allow you to preserve most of the initial setup settings so there is less re-configuration after the migration.
Upgrading or migrating software should be performed by your IT staff or someone qualified to perform the following steps. Failure to follow the following procedures could result in loss of data or loss of automated scheduling. If you would like Streamside Solutions to assist in the migration, please contact support or create a support ticket.
1. Prepare for Migration
Obtain installation file for the SAME version of Events2HVAC on the new server. This will ensure that a newer version doesn't try to do any database schema updates during this process.
Events2HVAC Database
Make a database backup of the Events2HVAC SQL database. Copy the backup file to the new server in a folder that you can access to restore.
If the SQL database won't be moving, there is no need to do any restoration. But a backup is good to have in case something goes wrong.
If you are moving the database, you will need to verify and possibly update the SQL login credentials so that you can connect to it at the new location.
See also:
Add any Firewall Rules to New Server
You will need to apply the same firewall rules to the new server to allow traffic for the database, Events2HVAC, and any other protocols that you are using at your site (e.g. BACnet).
Install Pre-requisite software on new PC
Install the necessary files on the new PC before starting E2H installation process.
2. Copy Source Application Folder Files
The default root application folder is:
C:\program files (x86)\streamside solutions\events2hvac
You will need to copy the following files from the original location to a migration folder the new server location.
- Events2HVAC.config
- Events2HVACServer.config
- License.xml
- Any \log\*.log files that you want to keep for reference
- \devices\address_bindings.xml (if you are using BACnet)
- copy license.xml to application root (overwrite existing)
- The "Events2hvacservice.config" file contains old server's Events2HVAC database, SMTP settings, , etc. You can copy over the file and edit changes in the application or you can just fix everything within the setup wizard or the application and use the old config file as a reference.
- For BACnet migrations, copy the *\devices\bacnets_addressBindings.xml to same path on new server.
3. Restore Events2HVAC Database
If you are moving the Events2HVAC SQL database to the new computer, you'll need to restore the backed up database on the new computer.
Using SQL Management Studio, you'll need to restore the backup database to a new database named "Events2HVAC" on the new PC. Make sure you set the correct permissions and logins so that E2H can connect to the database.
Permissions: db_owner
If you are using Windows Integrated login, you need to make sure the windows service that E2H is running under also has permissions in SQL server. See part 2 of this article for details on this procedure:
4. Find a Suitable Gap in Scheduled Commands
During a migration, the command queue service will be stopped and any scheduled commands will not be sent out. Start your migration when you have ample time between commands.
You can open the Command Queue and view the active entries for the next 24 hours. Find a time where you have a least an hour without scheduled commands. Alternatively, you could override your zones in the HVAC to ensure your spaces are in the desired state.
5. Shutdown Old Events2HVAC Windows Services
Before you start the installation on the new server, shut down the Events2HVAC system on the old server. This will prevent duplicate commands or conflicting BACnet device ID's coming from the two systems. Make sure there are no events scheduled during the switch so you won't be affecting any of your building's schedules.
- Go to Control Panel | Adminstration Tools | Services.
- Find the Events2HVAC_Service and hit STOP. This will stop all schedule processing.
- Find the Events2HVAC.Manager and hit STOP. This will stop the service manager for Events2HVAC. Note: Older versions of Events2HVAC will not have this service.
- Double click on the service and change the service from AUTOMATIC to DISABLED so that the service doesn't startup again after a reboot. You don't want two different servers scheduling the same systems.
6. Install the EventsHVAC Application on New Server
- Run the Events2HVAC (x86) installation software.
- Make sure you select the correct device interfaces for your site since this PC doesn't know what you selected last.
- Before the setup wizard runs (before you close the installer), copy the files saved from the original directory above if you haven't done so already.
- Run the setup wizard to verify everything is still setup correctly.
Re-Key BACnet Device Driver License (if applicable)
If you are using the BACnet/IP device interface, you will need a new BACnet key and also a new Events2HVAC license file that contains the new key. Since this key is a 3rd party license, additional cost to re-key may be required.
Send your new BACnet serial number to Streamside Solutions so that your license can be re-keyed to the new server.
7. Verify Operation
Open the client and verify that your active command queue is filled with current active commands. Also, do a quick check to see if you are getting events from your event provider by opening the event calendar.
8. Remove Old Installation
- Go to Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs to uninstall the Events2HVAC software on the old server.
- Reboot the PC so that the old service location is completely removed from windows services (not required).
9. Point Your Remote Client PC's to the New Server (if applicable)
If you have deployed the remote Events2HVAC client, you will need to re-point the client to the new server and database.
In the Tools | Events2HVAC Options menu:
Select the Database tab. Review your database connection settings and make sure you can connect to the Events2HVAC database. Test to verify you can connect to the remote database.
Select Command Queue tab. Enter the host or IP address of the new server. Test to verify you can connect to the command queue on the server.
Select the Service Manager Tab. Make sure it is enabled and the correct Url to the server is entered. Test to verify you can connect to the service manager.